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Survivor weekend is the concept of a dancing marathon loaded with learning and challenges, from physical resilience to stress management and issues of self-appreciation, a roll-a-coaster of emotional states and human interactions. If you read this, you are probably one of us, master of survival all that đŸ™‚

  • Date:05/11/2024 10:00 AM - 05/12/2024 05:00 PM
  • Location Västra Sandgatan 6, Helsingborg, Sverige (Map)


Welcome to another weekend full of tango: wonderful meetings and intense learning!

We start with a potluck/knytis at the regular 2nd Friday milonga which takes place on, well, Friday 10/5 at 19.00-23.00. The cost is either a contribution to the table: a dish for a few people, or a SEK 150/100 fee (respectively non-members and members of Tango Fortuna, Tangorama, Tango in Elsinore or Project Pocket).

Then it gets hot in the shoes and head.

For the third time we have a priviledge to welcome Cristian Petitto with a non-conventional but efficient teaching style, as he reveals secrets of techniques and key elements for us.

As Cristian arrives already on Friday there is a chance to book a private class with him that day, please contact us for more details!

This time we address a challenge of continuity, to prove and train that managing the flow has common principles in all kinds of tango, including milonga and wals. So the topic of the weekend 11-12/5 is:

The Seamless Flow: from continuity of interactions in vals to change of speed in milonga.

The schedule loooks like following (workshops time include a break)


10.00 Breakfast and conversation: what are our expectations and concerns?

10.30 Workshop 1: what helps and what hinders the dance flow. Stability, communication, interactions. Pits and moments of magic.

12.30-13.45 Practica

13.45 Lunch

14.15-16.00 Workshop 2: tango wals: what is difficult about continuity and how do we make friends with it?

16.00-17.00 Practica.


10.30 Breakfast and summary.

11.00 Workshop 3: Milonga! Fast and fun and even more so with a change of rhythm and speed. Still in flow!

12.30-13.30 Practica

13.30 Lunch

14.15-16.00 Workshop 4: Off-axis in waltz as well as in milonga? Hope you have some energy left, you will need it!

16.00-16.30 Practica/Closing coffee.


19.00-22.00 milonga to land all newly acquired skills: free for course participants, SEK 100/50 for everyone else.


Full course costs 120 euro/1300SEK including the workshops, breakfasts, lunches and milonga, per person or 190 euro/2200 SEK per couple.

One day of workshops is 70 euro/700SEK (food included), and

A single workshop costs 35 euro/350SEK (food not included).

SWISH the fee to 0761665626, please mark with ”Tango fortuna 11-12”. Therafter your place at the course is confirmed.

It is also possible to pay cash upon arrival, with a reservataion that the group may be filled before that.

Before or after the payment, please don’t forget to register you at this simple short google form:

If any questions, please contact us at

See you!